022-49731426 info@stbaldia.com

About US

S.T.Baldia & Co., has had a long and prestigious history. The Firm was founded in 1981 by CA Shri. S.T.Baldia as a Proprietor. Since then S.T.Baldia & Co. has prided itself on values such as competency, professionalism, responsibility and accountability, honesty, integrity and dedication, values which have been critical to our continued growth and success.

To serve better and to bring various services under one roof during the year, 2018, the Firm has been converted into Partnership Firm. All the Partners are Chartered Accountants who have passed the Chartered Accountancy exam conducted by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), a statutory body established by an Act of Parliament. The Head Office is presently situated at Zaveri Bazar, Mumbai which is major hub for jewellery industry in India.

Our team comprise of Chartered Accountants, Senior and Junior Assistants who work on daily basis to provide our clients with value added services in the areas of Audit, Direct Tax, Accounting consultancy, Goods and Services Tax (GST) Consultancy, Litigation support, startup services to domestic and international entities of various sizes from different industries. As trusted advisors, we strive to attract and develop, the best professionals, to provide value added services to our clients in making the best financial decisions possible.

The values, we are pursuing are our strength and vigour which keep us driving and that is the hallmark of our progress.
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