022-49731426 info@stbaldia.com

Our Team

Founder partner
CA Shri S.T.Baldia is a Fellow Member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. He is the Firm's Founder Partner with around more than 40 years experience in the field of Direct and Indirect Tax. He also Advises Businesses & Start-ups on Tax and Regulatory Efficient Entity Structures and Book-Keeping.

He is associated with various religious, charitable and non profit organisations and contributes to the upliftment and betterment of downtrodden of society.
Our team comprise of Chartered Accountants, Senior and Junior Assistants who work on daily basis to provide our client with value added services in the areas of Audit, Direct Tax, Accounting consultancy, Goods and Services Tax (GST) Consultancy, Litigation support, startup services to Companies, LLP's, Partnership Concerns and Proprietory Concerns.

As trusted advisors, we strive to attract and develop, the best professionals, to provide value added services to our clients in making the best financial decisions possible.
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